Academy Agricultural

Posted by Toni - June 1st, 2024

Farm animal practice AKTUELL(NPA) No. 36 in the delivery of the current issue of the new number 36 of the farm animal practice AKTUELL(NPA), the technical body of agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA), is in the final stages of printing and will be delivered shortly to over 3,200 subscribers in German-speaking countries. Also in the new edition, very practical issues of livestock medicine were picked up and published. Special attention is dedicated to the Antibiotikaleitlinien, who are not quite clear. The lawyer Dr. Studzinski often addresses the matter in his writings. Burkhard Oexmann commented on the Antibiotikaleitlinien from the legal point of view and has encountered since some “inconsistencies”, which could lead to “legal” issues for the practitioner under certain circumstances. The practitioners, specialist veterinarian for pigs, Herbert Nagel, deals with the Antibiotikaleitlinien from the perspective of the farm animal practice. The pig specialist singles out individual points requiring an absolute correction, because the practical “work” with the guidelines proves often as hardly feasible.

For his contribution to the Antibiotikaleitlinien on the 10th meeting of the main agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) in the last month, the dedicated animal doctor has “Conference victory” with the top grade achieved “1.00” (after school grades). Furthermore deals Mrs Prof. Mechthild Friday, Soest, in this current edition of the farm animal practice AKTUELL(NPA) the finish causes highly paid cows. “Over-bred” are not the cows, but the agricultural management must be still very optimized to meet the performance requirements of the animals. Studies clearly show that high providing herds have the lowest cell numbers and your very high health status, if the agricultural management accordingly serves these cows. Like a farm animal practice sample can be requested Academy (AVA) under AKTUELL(NPA) No. 36 in the Office of agricultural and veterinary, if you are interested in further interesting contributions.

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